One Ship, One Krewe

Privateers Group is the brainchild of three friends who embarked on a journey to turn their shared dreams into reality. With diverse backgrounds in hospitality, culinary arts, logistics, and business management, we united our talents and expertise to create a restaurant group that embodies our collective vision. Drawing inspiration from the rich traditions of camaraderie and teamwork found in the Gasparilla celebrations, we adopted the motto "One Ship, One Krewe" to symbolize our unified commitment to success.

The Meaning behind "One Ship, One Krewe": Just as a ship needs a cohesive krewe to navigate the seas and overcome challenges, we believe that our business’s thrive when we work together as a tightly knit team. "One Ship" represents our collective efforts, while "One Krewe" signifies our shared identity and purpose. This motto serves as a reminder to us and our valued customers that we are all in this ship together, forging meaningful connections and achieving greatness through collaboration.

With "One Ship, One Krewe" as our guiding principle, we invite you to embark on this exciting journey with us. Whether you're seeking our catering services, exploring our culinary offerings, or engaging with our other business ventures, we promise to provide an exceptional experience that reflects our dedication, creativity, and unwavering commitment to our customers and community.

“Nobody will believe it’s possible until we show them.” ― Captain J. Flint

“I am a man of fortune and must seek my fortune.”  – Captain Henry Avery